Ages 11 - 19
Lovely Experience
The Lovely Experience is a free event led by young women, for young women who are ready to change the world through their unique contributions. It’s jam-packed with inspiring speakers, live dance performances, and interactive workshops that will open up your world to new possibilities.

Ages 5 - 11
Lovely Junior
Lovely Junior is an incredible half-day event for young girls to find out what makes them special. Featuring interactive workshops, inspirational teachings, and an exclusive performance from the Northwest Dance Company, this free event is like no other. Together, you’ll discover your confidence, value and limitless potential.
Ages 11 - 19
Lovely Assemblies
The Lovely Project now offers interactive and inspiring assemblies to Central Florida schools! Contact us to learn more.


Orlando Whiskey Festival
The annual Orlando Whiskey Festival is dedicated to bringing the finest whiskey tasting experiences to Central Florida. You’ll meet knowledgeable industry professionals and enjoy over 100 brands of whiskey. Local gourmet bites, live music, and a cigar lounge are also available. All net proceeds benefit the Lovely Project.

Couture in the Courtyard
Couture in the Courtyard is an annual event that takes place on Swanson’s Ivanhoe Row. This event features a fashion show of the finest collections in seasonal apparel, jewelry, and eyewear. You’ll enjoy small bites, wine tastings, and special discounts at participating shops. All net proceeds benefit the Lovely Project.

Private Dinners
A generous host will periodically arrange an invitation-only Lovely Project Dinner at a private venue to share our mission through impactful stories from young girls. Guests will enjoy an exclusive culinary experience to raise funds and awareness for the Lovely Project. If you are interested in hosting, please contact us.